Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dear Baby

OUR little girl,

We cannot wait to meet you. We have around 11 weeks until we get to see your face and hold you! We are so excited. I can't believe how fast the time has gone and how much you have helped me to grow as a person. It's been years since I have woke up at 6:00 am on a Saturday ready to go make the most of the day. Our priorities and everything we look forward to in life now revolve around you. Your future is already so bright and we can only hope that we give you the love, guidance, and support to become whatever you want. The world truly is an amazing place and we hope you are able to explore all of it. We can only pray you have more ups than downs and you can learn something from every person and experience you have. Your Dad and I couldn't be more excited. We can only imagine what we are in for and are so ready for this new chapter in our lives, the best chapter, YOU.

We love you!

Mom and Dad

Friday, December 30, 2011


PHEW, I passed all the stages of the test. No need to worry. What a relief! Our next appointment is in 4 weeks. Today we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat so all in all it was a GREAT day~

We then went to register and now we are exhausted. All three of us had a really great day!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


At my appointment last week I was given a glucose test to check for diabetes in which you drink a not so good drink in five minutes and then an hour later they check to see how your body did with all the sugar. I did not pass that test so today I had a 3 hour glucose tolerance test. I had to fast, then went in this morning had blood drawn, drank another not so good drink, and proceeded to have my blood drawn 3 more times over a 3 hour period. What a morning.... Tomorrow I will receive my results. This test is to check for gestational diabetes that can develop in the mother while pregnant. I can only hope I passed this test. I hate waiting.

Friday, December 23, 2011

28 Week Appointment

Yesterday I went in for my 28 week appointment and had another ultrasound. I haven't gained any weight since my last appointment so the Dr. wanted to make sure the baby was growing normally. No conflict on my end, it meant more baby pictures!!! Baby Girl Collins is doing just fine weighing in at 2.2 lbs. and looks great. Despite the fact she is still breach, she has 8 weeks to turn herself around. I can feel her head under my rib cage which makes sleeping and sitting quite uncomfortable so I haven't been doing much of either.

After the appointment we went to our first baby registry appointment. (I referred Ashleigh who last March had Brooke, so I have to make sure she gets her $25 gift card) If you think you know anything about babies before you have your first one, registering makes sure you feel like you know nothing!  I have watched children my whole life, I teach, I thought I was ahead of the game....NOPE. Talk about a whole new world. We have classes scheduled at the hospital so hopefully with the help of salespeople while registering and the classes it will ease the anxiety. I just keep thinking one day I will be a pro at this and give advice. Just keep thinking that Jen!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


My little girl is going to have so many new friends and a new cousin!

Veronica had Daniella her second daughter in August.
Nisha is due with her second in January.
Jenna is due with her second in February..
Angela is due with her fifth in March.
Bronya is due with her third in March.
Shannon is due with her first in May.
Jennie is due her her first in May.
My cousin is due with her first in May.
Jackie is due with her first in June.

That is just to name a few!!!! How exciting!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

27 Weeks

There is no more room in my belly. I am not sure where she is going to go! Things have been smooth sailing and now I am entering into the 3rd trimester with my mover and shaker, as I like to call her. My pregnancy has been wonderful and I hope it continues that way. My only discomforts are not sleeping and where exactly she is going to find room. I can't believe this journey is almost over, now my nerves are settling in. We need to get to registering for the baby and registered for classes! So much to do and so little time!

LOL, it looks like I am going to a TOGA party!!! It's a blanket and my shirt rolled up, trust me this is not an outfit. Way too funny! TOGA TOGA TOGA!!! I'd fit right in!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Presents....

Do you think she wants to buy this for her DAD?

Change of Color

It is time to paint the baby's room! We have picked a disney pink and are so excited to set things up. We found an expedit bookshelf which has 25 inserts so I cannot wait to fill them. I have before pictures although as you will see everything is in the middle of the room so it is kind of heard to grasp, but when the painting is done I hope to be amazed and start to set up her magical room! 3 months to go, I can't believe it!