Thursday, November 29, 2012

Swimming Lessons

Yes, Swimming in November! Charli had her first swim lesson this week. She is attending swimming lessons for new baby swimmers every week until March. I somehow pulled my lat muscle or pinched a nerve and was not able to get in the water with her so Uncle Eric stepped up to the plate, since Daddy was coming from Wrestling practice. After a few tears, the swim instructor handed her a floating seahorse and she was golden, a real fish in the pool. She had natural kicking reflexes, as well as the ability to direct herself on turns, and she was even close to blowing bubbles. She had a great time and so did Eric. Can't wait until next week!

Gobble Gobble

What an eventful first Thanksgiving for Charli! On Wednesday night she met her cousin Hunter from California who is 7 weeks younger (check out the difference in hair, I am holding Hunter). They are both too cute and together made for some great entertainment. It was so great to see Kim and Dave and have them in town, and Mark, Kathleen, and Riley made for wonderful hosts. On Thanksgiving we went to see Great Grandma and had a wonderful meal at her retirement home. Can you believe it is her 92nd Thanksgiving and I am sure having Charli there made it one of her favorites. She bought Charli a bear that had a shirt printed "Jesus loves me" and the bear also sings, it is definitely a hit!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

8 month Dr. appt

We saw Dr. Kristen this weekend for Charli's 8 month appointment. Charli weighed in at an even 18 lbs. 26.5 inches. She also received a toe prick to check her iron and she received the first dose of the flu shot. She once again was very brave and the Dr. said she looks great, we got the all clear!!! Here are some pictures to recap month 8.

My 2 babies "watching" football- Kisses xoxox

Friday, November 16, 2012

8 months old

What a day for an 8 month old, she is busy busy busy!

8 months old-- night night baby-- We love you!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Almost Crawling

And she's off! It is a scoot from the face to the butt and she is moving... and doesn't forget to take "Quack Quack" along for the ride.