Saturday, April 20, 2013

Crabtree Nature Center

With A Grandma like Sassy you find yourself doing new things at new places every day. Receiving our first taste of Spring we went hiking at Crabtree Nature Center and Charli found peace among the sights, sounds, and smells of the great outdoors.


Hello Easter! Charli received an amazing Easter basket today from a Gramsy Easter bunny in Florida equipped with a Cadbury Bunny and the cutest dress I have yet to lay eyes on! We jetted off for brunch to go see 93 year old Great Grandma, Sassy, Grampy, and of course THE EASTER BUNNY! In the midst of the Easter celebration we found ourselves in an Easter egg hunt. Brunch was amazing and thanks a little to Mother Nature we were able to head to The Phillips Zoo in Aurora to check out some animals and for Charli to drive her new car!!!

Opening presents...

Are you ready for this!