Sunday, May 19, 2013

1 year Doctor appointment

Charli had her 1 year Doctor appointment and it was a tough one. She hadn't been feeling good and was having some issues with the transition to milk, but we have worked everything "out" if you catch my drift. About a week after her appointment she spiked a 104 fever which had us in a frenzy, but Dr. Charles said it is completely normal after the shots she had and sure enough not to long after the fever came it went. We also started Charli on an iron supplement which has made all the difference. As for teeth they still haven't appeared but she just keeps on growing! Height 29 1/2 Weight 19# 12 oz

Check Please!

We have enjoyed many nights out as a family for early dinners now that soccer season has officially ended. Charli's favorite being Japanese "cook in front of you" steak houses. First of all she is treated like a famous superstar and loves the food. She loves soup, just like her Dad! She also loves to use a straw, it's crazy how she just knows how to do things. She is so smart and such a trailblazer. She just figures things out and has no fear in the process. She even had her first black eye!

kiss kiss

my first black eye

She is an avid walker/runner, stair climber, and has the cutest laugh. Her hair continues to grow like a weed and she wears a water spout hairdo on a daily basis. She would rather not wear clothes but she now loves to wear shoes. She has full out conversations although she is not saying any understandable words besides "yep," "mommmmomomomom," and "dada." She is a terrific eater and loves green foods, edamame, green beans, sweet peas, peapods, but when she doesn't like something she will let you know or just start to feed the dogs! She still think the word "no" is funny so we are working on that because she will test the limit over and over again. She likes to pick an item a day that she is obsessed with and brings it everywhere-- it was lotion the other day, yesterday it was her coat, and today it is a bracelet. She has a dolly that she treats like a baby and holds, gives hugs and kisses. It is just her natural instinct and it is just precious. We are (ok I am) still struggling with a normal bed time. We have changed the bed time to 9:30 and with summer approaching my goal with be 7:30. Lately Charli has been carrying around her blanket and sitting in her teddy bear rocking chair..well she gets in the chair and then she walks away then she goes back and sits in the chair again. That is pretty much her pattern for everything!

my new shoes and capri pants!!!

                                                                    doesn't Daddy look so happy to take pictures at 7am!