Monday, July 15, 2013

Blog ?'s

Thanks to those of you who love the blog. I have found our that some of you who subscribe via email didn't know its an actual blog. You don't have to wait for updates you can go check out the entire site which has a tool bar of every post. All you need to do is use any search engine and search "Announcing baby Collins" it will be the first hit. Enjoy

16 months old

Charli is 16 months old, her teeth will be arriving any day now. She is so beautiful, adventurous, and strong and has an amazing sense of humor. She has great rhythm and likes to dance which involves swaying her hips back and forth and putting all her weight on one foot and then the other.

She is going to be a great spectator for football this fall as she does the champion's "Yes" movement most recently done by Andy Murray at Wimbledon, sometimes she just throws both arms in the air.

 She is a little actress as well, she pretends to have an owie by rubbing her head soliciting the response of "Oh Charli" and  kisses; then she giggles and  goes ahead and does it again. It is so funny.

Grandma taught her about "stinky feet" and Charli thinks it is so hilarious to smell her own feet and other people's feet and say "PU" and plug her nose.

 Uncle Eric has taught Charli shoe bracelets. She like to wear shoes and sandals on her hands and lately she spins them around like glow sticks.

She loves giving kisses which end up with her pretty much eating your face, no complaints here they are the best kisses in the world. She evens gives kisses all over the Ipad when we face time with Grandma and Grandpa, she is something else.

We have gone to the library a few times this summer for story time and Charli uses it as a chance to sneak out of the packed room that has the door slightly open, run down the hall and climb the 3 flights of stairs. She is not only fast but very agile.

Her word of choice is "Uh Oh." She likes to use it as much as possible as well as" Dowg" and  "Moau." Eating habits are great as she will eat anything and everything. As far as  naps the routine is set with an afternoon nap and a bedtime between 7:45-8:45, which has been working out pretty well. She is such a happy little girl who is so smart and makes everyday not only an adventure but a learning process and makes us so lucky.

Yes by the way, those are all the outlets covers in the kitchen she just removed!

Hey Grandma, I love my new halter dress!


Charli is once again in swim lessons this summer. She has been working on kicking, jumping off the ledge of the pool, and blowing bubbles. We enjoy our time late afternoon each day heading to the neighborhood pool where they have a  zero depth area  Charli can run around, play with her toys, and enjoy the water. We are working on not drinking the pool water... one step at a time.

Even Reilly and River come to watch Charli at swim lessons!