Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Charli's 2nd Birthday Photos

Miss Charli did not have a very good day at the photo shoot, she just wanted to be with Daddy and was being so silly with her tongue! YES, we used every prop imaginable to try to get her to smile and have fun. The reason the block with the 2 is sideways is because she rolled it on over! It was an active Saturday morning for everyone that's for sure! We tried everything we could and got a few pictures in and then we called it quits!


Sunday, April 27, 2014

When Charli runs the show...

What else would I be doing but wearing high heels and eating a pickle!

Charli and Baby Beckett

Charlee and Charli

I thought this was a good idea...

 Yes --- my 5th black eye!

Shouldn't everyone have a 6 ft. jumpy in their family room? Thanks Auntie Mimi