Thursday, October 6, 2022

She's a 5th Grader

CHARLI CHARLL CHARLI CHAMPION CHARLI 5th grade!!! Gymnastics, Soccer, Girl Scouts, Choir, Origami club, CLASS REPRESENTATIVE. Did I miss anything? You are rocking all of it! This year so far you have moved up to 6th grade Math, you ran for CLASS representative and WON, along with Aiden. " Be a smartie, vote for CHARLI!" You are continued your Charli Collections brand which includes purses, wallets, tissue holders, bags. You are really going to be a big deal someday, I mean you already are but everyone else will continue to figure it out world wide. I continue to watch you develop a soccer player, you were the best player on the field this past weekend. I saw things in you that would put you on a Varsity team now. Way to go! This weekend you have a tournament which your team has a chance to bring home some hardware! Go SOCKERS! Gymnastics Competition season is only a few weeks away. I can't believe that it was a year ago that you first competed and qualified for State in your first meet. Then to be 8th overall in the State, I can't wait to see what this year will bring. I am watching you become such a kind little girl. I am stating to see physical changes in you that remind me so much of me. Your long blond hair, your strong physique, you little zitties on your face, and of course those teeth that contiue to make thier way in. I have watched all your fashionista outfits change more in to tomboy chic. I can see how shy you are and just how much of a creative perfectionist you are becoming, questioning everything you do for approval. You don't need any one's approval you just need to be you and do YOUR best, whatever that means. You are so loved and looked up to by Danica and AJ, you were meant to be the OLDEST, your patience should be commended. Danica does try to copy you in so many ways but you could not be more different from one another. AJ definitely favors you, don't tell Danica...but that makes sense because all she does is bother him! I can't believe that you work so hard every day to no complaint. Of course there are days where you don't want to go, but you go without a struggle. I wonder what goes on in your little mind. You are so independent and driven, I wonder how you juggle it all. There is always a smile on your face...excpet when you are hangry and boy that is not a good thing to witness. Little things make you happy and you love to talk. Not as much as Danica but you love to talk. Half the time I am not sure what you are talking about or why you are telling me what you are telling me, but it lets your kind personality shine and gives you the spotlight brom Danica and AJ even for that short time. You are quiet, silly, shy, smart, strong, independent, easily likeable, fierce, driven, loveable, and so much more. We went to Colorado for a wedding this past weekend and I know my favorite part of the trip was when you came to hold my hand at the Cheyenne Zoo. It was one of the most amazing experiences and sharing it with you put it over the top. I am so blessed to have you as my daughter and my friend. You are so honest with me and I appreciate it. I am a tough person to deal with and you handle me with care. You always blow me kisses and kiss me on the forehead. You are a very nuturing person and I love how much you absorb what goes on around you. I know you are still figuring your place which is the greatest part of life's journey. I have all the confidence in the world you will always land on top which for a MOM is the greatest feeling in the world. I want to give you all the tools you need and watch you run with it. I couldn't in my wildest dreams think of doing a flip on a beam or off of bars. I remember you wanting to quit gymnastics- " I don't want to jump to the pit bar, it's too far..." and look at you now. I will not let you quit, as long as you love what you do and the butterflies keep showing up. I love you Charli more than you will ever know, even more than I know. I hope you stay 10 forever, even when you act like a teenager... I will love you always and forever. I am so proud of you and so excited for each new day!