I am halfway there and I am having baby dreams. This morning I woke up and I was all smiles thinking she was already here. I even have a picture of her in my mind with dark hair and huge blue eyes, like Dan. I am just so excited and I think about her constantly. Dan and I have so many things for her already, that Eric said we need another room. I never really imagined a registry for a little girl and now I couldn't be more excited to buy buy baby.
A few weeks back I stayed with a family down the street from my parents of whose kids I have watched for close to 14 years, while their parents went to an out of town wedding. They have 3 boys and a girl and I feel like they are my own siblings. The order is boy, girl, boy, boy.
Dan and I were at the hockey rink with the kids watching the Senior son, Joey's hockey game. Robyn is a Sophomore, Tommy a Freshman, and Nick in 7th grade. I couldn't help at one moment to observe the bond between Robyn and Tommy. He absolutely adores his older sister. He was showing me her "cool" boyfriend and so interested in her life and thoughts. At one moment he even complimented her hair while touching her braid. I wondered if anyone else saw that or could understand. It made me feel so safe like I has been there before and I have, my whole life with my little brother.
When I found out she was a girl I was almost confused, for some reason I was convinced it was a boy. Then I thought of the weekend and that moment and it all made sense. I asked Dan about it, and he replied "I saw the same thing," It doesn't get any better than that.
What a dynamic it is to have an older sister. Although our baby is 4 months away from her first hug, I am already excited to experience the bond my children will have, which has made me whole.
I am so excited to have a daughter as my first born, I wouldn't have it any other way.
I hope Eric feels the same way having me as his older sister.