Saturday, June 23, 2012


We went to see Aerosmith at the United Center. Dream on! It was our first official date away from Charli for longer than a few hours. I have learned that time with Charli is better than time anywhere else. I also learned that we are not the drinkers we once were. We are wiped out today.I mean wiped out ALL day.

Charli once again is entering into a new milestone, her toes. She is grabbing her feet and they have almost made it to her mouth. She is currently weighing 13.6 lbs. She was so funny all day today laughing and kicking her blanket. She loves walking up Dan and Eric like she is climbing a mountain. She giggles at Grampy and loves to talk with Grandma. She is such ball of happiness. What a great day having everyone here.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

First day of summer 2012

Summer is officially here!!! This is how we started off our morning. We played in our jungle gym after we ate a healthy breakfast, and then we went for a nice walk to which we fell asleep.

Charli is storing up for winter in her cheeks!

Reilly is trying to see what she has stored!!!!!

Ready, set...

and we're off!

Oh yeah we're cruising!
And we're out!
morning nap...check

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

So Big! So Fast!

I can't believe how much she has changed in 3 months. I am learning more and more every day! If we could, we would have as many Charli's as we could! She is such an amazing little girl. She is starting to do things that 6 month olds do! She is trying to roll from her back to front. She bears so much weight on her legs when we hold her up it is almost like she can hold herself. She loves the walking motion and step together step touch. Uncle Eric is convinced she will walk before she crawls. She is so vocal and very good at expressing what she wants, she also loves to sing and dance. She tracks us throughout a room and is able to identify who we are. There is nothing like her smile in the morning when she lays in her bassinet and coos. Did I mention she sleeps for 10-12 hours a night!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

3 month photo shoot!!

WOW!!!! 100 hundred pictures and not a single tear. She had the best time today at her photo shoot. Here are a few of the pictures...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Daddy's birthday!

Happy Birthday Dear Daddy, Happy birthday to you!

Charli-Moo and Sophie the Giraffe just hanging out with Mommy and Daddy in her rockin bassinet (greatest invention). We had a really nice day celebrating Daddy. We went out to Naperville and spent time with Sassy and Grampy, and then Dan and I went to Macarenas Tapas for dinner. SOOOO good! After dinner we went back to my parent's house for some champagne and lemon bars.  YUM  YUM we sure had Fun!!

 Happy birthday Daddy, we love you!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Charli has tried out her jumperoo with a little help from R&R. We are also pretty sure she thinks that people and dogs are equals and the only species on the planet. She finds her hands and feet to be more fascinating than her jumperoo, oh and lets not forget her hair..she will pull on that all day long and laugh.What a fantastic life!

Daddy's pictures

Here are some pictures of Charli I just downloaded from Daddy's phone. It is nice to know when I am away the mice will play :) and sleep :)

Really a hat mom, you are flattening my hair!