OMG! Did so much happen in 6 months my head is spinning!
Let me start out by saying we had quite a spring. You turned 7, you finished 1st grade, you are a big sister again, you can do a round off flip flop- flip flop, and you are more amazing than ever!!! The start of 2019 was in Florida with the most perfect weather and an awesome trip. January was the coldest on record with 4 days of school missed due to the freeze. February was date night with Daddy and Danica where you dressed up and danced the night away. Then brought March, your birthday, and Charli, you are 7! Your birthday party this year was at the movie theater seeing WonderPark and that did not go as planned. On our way to your party we were in a car accident and since Mommy was 30 weeks pregnant I was taken to the hospital but everything worked out (thank God) and we are all okay. Grandma, Auntie Terry, and Auntie Tami were there to pick up the pieces and make the party a success including giving out the bundtinis, yummy. April brought school plays about Rats, open house, more gymnastics and ice skating lessons, another monthly brownie meeting, and a clay adventure at Color me Mine, hosted by Mom and Dad. We even saw Suessical. May brought you a baby brother, yep he is here! Your gymnastics recital, open house at school, and June brought you the last day of school, perfect attendance, and summer vacation which is where we are now.
PHEW! That was a nut shell of events but every day has been jam packed with a new adventure, a new craft, a new lesson, new experience, and lots of learning. Every school night ends with a worksheet in Math and Charli you rock math! You rock spelling. If I had a dollar for every 100% you have earned I'd be rolling in the cash. I am so proud of you! Excelling in school and excelling in gymnastics and ice skating. You are the youngest Might Might moving up before you were 7. Overcoming your fear of the pit bar and anything else that stands in you way. It is still true that everything you touch turns to gold, you really excel in everything and it is truly amazing. Beautiful blond hair, bright blue eyes, a strong build with not an ounce of fat on your body, and the sweetest personality; so soft, kind, and serious but fun. You are a force Charli, don't you ever forget it! So many playdates and parties, your social life has kicked up another gear. You were even given a gift for being such a nice friend. We always have time to be kind.
You have done a great job with brownies and learning new worldly lessons. You sold close to 300 boxes of cookies- WOW! Nice job! We went to a water park, a camp under at the forest preserve, and gave out leprechaun themed cake pops for your birthday. Your vest has no more room for patches. (And let me just say putting those patches on is an impossible task) oh and did I mention you sold cookies at the Jewel while it was snowing, you are a hustler baby.
You have really been in to creating things and come home with a new something out of nothing creation daily. Your save bin is overflowing. The latest craft you have been interested in is making bracelets. You are like the once-ler you can't crank them out fast enough. You have made rubber band bracelets and now we are on to thread. I bought you 3 different bracelet makers each with its own type of bracelet. You are planning to sell them at our upcoming garage sale and were able to sell at the last pop up sale we went to. I think you are going to invent something one day, all you have to do is solve a daily problem people have and make like easier (easier said than done, right?) I can see you on shark tank one day.
Your room is fabulous, it isn't always clean, but it is fabulous. Just like you.You even made a calming corner in your closet like the one in your classroom. You have a great sense of style and are so artistic with color choices. I am excited for the color you picked to paint your bathroom, Turquoise Haze, can't wait to see how that turns out. I make sure to ask you about my clothing choices, because we know Daddy doesn't help.
I love watching you and Danica interact, fight, laugh, play, lay together, swing together, ride bikes together, craft together, read together, sing, dance, sleep, even brush your teeth together! I love that you want to be together. She adores you and wants to be just like you. Imitation is the highest form of flattery and she is your mini. She even knows your entire gymnastics routine- Hey Mickey! It is awesome the bond you too have and I am so excited, for the first time, to watch you both perform TOGETHER at Bible Camp this Friday!!! We are so blessed that you like each other, no that you LOVE each other, and that you LOVE your little brother.
Speaking of your little brother... you asked me when we were at Disney World if you could tell me your wish, and if you did, would it still come true....and You decided to tell me.... you told me that you wished on a star for a baby brother, and Charli your wish came TRUE. It really did, and I never told anyone my wish but it came true too xoxoxxox. Oh, you just love your brother, and you want to hold him and spend time with him all the time. In his face is still not close enough for you or your sister, but I have to say you are so good with him. You hold him like you have done this your whole life, you are a natural. Even when he grabs your hair and your face you still don't even react. You are a great little mommy. He is already so lucky to have a big sister like you and Danica. What an amazing family we have and every day life just keeps getting better.
This summer has so much potential between Bible Camp, cheer camp, gymnastics, play dates, fests, parties, and a whole lot of play it by ear that I hope we make every day full of excitement and can tire you out. Not leaving a moment unturned without something fun to do.
So proud of you honey, and all you are, all that you do, and all you aspire to be. I hope you remain as humble, kind, and sweet as you are. I hope you will always want to hug me first, light up every time you see me, want to hold my hand, want me to do your hair, want to read together, spend time with you, share secrets, trust me, and love me the most, now and always. My sweet girl Mommy loves you to the moon and back and beyond to infinity. Keep creating, keep wishing on stars, you are my greatest creation and proof that wishes come true.
PS- let me not forget the story (lie) you told Jody about your cousin's wedding...on a Tuesday.. of why you missed practice....and you had everyone fooled. Well it just so happens, "like my dream" you said, when Robyn asked you and Danica to be flower girls in her wedding. Can't wait!
PS- let me not forget the story (lie) you told Jody about your cousin's wedding...on a Tuesday.. of why you missed practice....and you had everyone fooled. Well it just so happens, "like my dream" you said, when Robyn asked you and Danica to be flower girls in her wedding. Can't wait!