Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Apple Juice

At our 20 week appointment we found out the gender of our baby but it wasn't that easy. We were both so excited to find out that waiting until she was born never was an option. We went in for the ultrasound and the measurements began. Everything looked great. At that time the baby was breech which is normal because they move around and around throughout pregnancy but the baby also had the legs completely locked in referee's position in wrestling. There was no telling the gender of the baby. The technician did all she could to try and get the baby to move but there was no budging. She told us there was nothing she could do at that time and that after our appointment with the Doctor if time permits she would try again.

Still hopeful, we met with another Doctor in our practice and it just so happens her husband delivered the "Marathon Baby" at Central DuPage. You know the lady delivered hours after completing the Chicago Marathon, something I will not be doing any time soon, or EVER.

After meeting with the Doctor, the wonderful tech told us she had time to try again but first gave me some apple juice, because I guess we all know that apple juice makes the baby move?! I did a little bit of praying and I was already sure it was a boy so in we went. Well not only did the baby move she was doing flips!!! I think I must have said, "Well that's not right, are you sure when we come back it will be a boy!" She definitely giggled at me and said "with certainty it's a girl." It really was the shock of my life. I don't think I was prepared for that. I'm a girl I know what we can do!!! (Sorry Mom and Dad)

I can't believe what a little apple juice can do!

(Too funny the name for our little boy is AJ, for our Dads--maybe there is something to be said about a little apple juice)

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