Friday, February 3, 2012


I have heard women say that pregnancy starts to become uncomfortable towards the end. I could only imagine being pregnant in the summer when it is 100 degrees and being uncomfortable. This pregnancy has been so good which makes me happy when I think of extending my family. However with the 19 lbs I have gained so far and the day that I just popped, I am starting to have uncomfortable times. Sleeping has been an issue for a while but since the baby has been growing the discomfort in my upper abdomen makes it uncomfortable to sit and for that matter today it just was all kind of uncomfortable. I have bought new clothes and some sports bras, but it seems like the bra fits one day and not the next. It is more of my girth changing then my cup size. I have been using my elliptical throughout but I think today I am going to take a break, a well deserved break as I see it. I am also going to go and invest in maternity bras since that is their specific purpose and hopes this gives me a sense of relief. At the last appointment the Dr. was thinking she would be around 8 lbs., on the 15th we will have a better estimate and also around 4 weeks to go. That is crazy! The countdown is here!


1 comment:

  1. You are so cute! I can't wait to see you at your shower! And, you're right; being preggers in the summer is no fun. Thank God I only had one summer baby (Aug 18).
    If you find a solution to the bra dilemma, let me know. Haven't found a comfy one in 5 pregnancies. We're in the home stretch now though, Babe!!!
