Monday, March 26, 2012

9 days old

Friday March 23, 2012

Charli's umbilical cord feel off today so she got her first real bath and she was not very fond of it. I think it is safe to say she cried through the entire 4 minutes or so. On the other hand she is clean as a whistle!

She is keeping us up at night but as the days pass she sleeps a little longer through the night so I believe she is starting to transition from the womb to the world.

She is so alert and so smart! She is constantly kicking and moving her hands. Her blue eyes are HUGE! She smiles a lot and plays a game with Daddy when he changes her. She smiles at him and then as soon as he starts to change her she starts to go number 1. Then giggles some more. This has happened a few times so Dan has started to wait a little longer and beat her at her own game. It is hilarious!

She is so beautiful that you just want to stare at her. She already has developed such a big personality in such a little body. I am in awe that she is mine and that I get to see and be with her all the time.

Grandma and Grandpa can't stay away and both feel the same way. It is really neat to see their interaction with her and think of how it was when I was a baby. I love when things come full circle.


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