Thursday, March 29, 2012


Yesterday marked 2 weeks of beautiful Charli's life and her second Doctor's appointment, she is now 7lbs. 8 oz! Yeah Charli Girl! We also got the clearance to start to take her places and go outside for walks. How exciting for all of us. We decided our first place to dine as a family would be PEPE's! Daddy had a margarita and Mommy had a Tecate, boy did it taste good (but a headache this morning after one beer I didn't see that one coming).

What a nice little date we had as a family, it was that much more enjoyable having her there with us. I was sharing with Dan, I don't know how I ever lived without her and he said "Well we could have had her 4 years ago." We both started laughing, we hadn't even met yet ( we are going on 4 years April 15th) and I don't think either of us were ready until now. She could be 4, I'm ok with 2 weeks!

Let the adventures begin! Cheers!

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