Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Today is my last day of work until the end of my maternity leave. I am going on home rest. Teaching Physical education is quite demanding since it is not a job where you can sit down and work alone. I am also not a very low stress person if you haven't noticed. I have 45 students in each of my 5 classes and I have personal interaction with each of them on a daily basis. I also find myself climbing more stairs then I want to anymore, and with the minimal sleep I get it is time to give myself a little break. I am completing my masters +30 hours so that occupies my Tuesday and Thursday nights. I have been very busy and  this time will allow me to  prepare. I have noticed that she is getting bigger, well I am getting bigger, and there is less room to move. At this point I hope she can stay in a little longer, as I am a person who likes to know if she should be in for 40 weeks, then 40 weeks it is. But it is in God's hands now so we will see what happens. Doctor appointment tomorrow:)

This being the end of my pregnancy and reflecting, my biggest aches would always just be feeling uncomfortable at night, the upper abdominal constant aching on the right side, never finding the right bra, my varicose vein, and the little red dots on my face and neck...other than that, I think pregnancy was quite exhilarating and something I look forward to again. Those weeks of all day sickness have all left my memory as I am sure these aches will too.

 I really got in touch with myself on a mental and emotional level and feel like a different person with new aspirations, goals, and priorities. I have truly enjoyed this experience and like I have mentioned before I still have no idea what I am in for until I have her in my arms, I am ready to exhale.

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