Sunday, April 15, 2012


Dan and I met 4 years ago today. We met at Mullen's Irish Bar in Wrigleyville on tax day after a Tuesday night Cubs game. Isn't there a rule you'll never met your husband at a bar...I did! I was living 13 houses from Wrigley Field at the time and Dan went to the game with some other coaches. We were both teaching in the same district but had never met. We had been in the same places and yet never crossed paths.

 If you know the story then you know we briefly met there a few months before under the craziest of circumstances...and so it goes Dan wanted to go back to Mullen's "to see if this blond girl is there."  And the rest is history. Dan surprised me with this ring today in Aquamarine, Charli's birthstone, and planned a special day. Charli and I are both so lucky!

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