Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just me and you kid!

Charli is already growing right before our eyes. I am so thankful to have the next 5 months ( with a few days back at work) home with her. Dan has started back to work this week. Unfortunately we are still on her schedule, and my old schedule, of party all night and sleep all day, but I can't complain because watching her sleep has become my favorite hobby. (That and watching Dan fall asleep while sitting up :) The expressions and faces she makes are priceless and I don't think any camera can capture just how amazing she really is. We haven't really done much, just spent time quality together which is priceless and I know one day I will greatly miss.

I am waiting for the weather to warm up so we can start to go on nice walks together. River and Reilly have embraced her and are not only protective of her but very gentle which is exactly why we got the breeds of dogs we did. It gives me a piece of mind knowing we are all safe.

I feel like I need someone to pinch me that this is my real life. I keep thinking of being in surgery and feeling all alone in that room and now I know I will never feel alone again. My Grandma was saying how everything just makes sense and how happy it must make me each day to see her smiling face, and she is right, that is all that matters.

I wish I could stop time, because already the days seem to fly. She is already going to be 3 weeks old! I have cherished every moment. We are inseparable I don't know what will happen when she goes away to school let alone has to sleep in her own room. Her room that we worked so hard on can be compared to a ghost town, but at least it looks nice :)

 For right now I am just going to enjoy my baby girl the little 7 lbs that she is, with a great big personality and a smile that can light up any room, anywhere in the world.

My motto: Keep the cameras rolling and the pictures flowing I don't want to miss a thing!

My first trip to Costco

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