Saturday, May 12, 2012

2 month Recap

My baby girl is growing up. I didn't know that there was one person that could make me so happy, but I do now! We just love love love her. Being a parent is the single most exhilarating and wonderful experience a person can have. You find out what life and living is really all about. The connection is truly amazing and the warmth you have within is indescribable. Our lives are complete because of this sweet little girl.
She loves the bath

After the bath in her first pair of bell bottoms

her hair has started to dry and poof!

Just relaxing after eating

Trying to find her thumb

Here is a recap of Charli's first two months. She is amazing and beautiful to start with. She is very strong and powerful (neck, arms, and legs). She is also very busy and can amuse herself. She loves to kick her legs, move her arms all around, even motion like she is on a bicycle. She likes to talk on the phone too, with her hand right next to her ear in a fist, or like a microphone. She enjoys music. She loves to communicate and have "conversations." She also loves to "drive the car." She loves to get a bath but not so much getting out of the bath. She also loves getting her diaper changed and giggles when she passes gas or poops. She can hold up her neck and stand on her legs with them locked. When we do that she likes to try and dance like Elvis, but looks more like a deer when it is first born. She likes to squeeze her hands and toes. She is figuring out her hands and her hair and has started to put her hand in her mouth and pull at her hair. She is not big into pacifiers or socks. Her nails grow very fast and we have started to cut and file them so she doesn't scratch herself. She is a very good eater and she sleeps very well. She continues to be on a 2:30am and 6am feeding schedule and about every 3 hours during the day after naps. When she is hungry she pecks at whoever's chest is holding her, so almost gave Daddy a hickey! She sleeps in our room in her bassinet. She gives the same cries for the same things so she is a very good communicator. She sleeps in the car and on walks in her stroller. She can track movement with her eyes and recognize Dan and my voice. She giggles and squeaks when she sleeps. She likes to have her arms in the touchdown position when she sleeps. She tries to crawl during tummy time and likes to take naps on her belly. Her hair has started to lighten and as you can see is a big poof. I just love her so much, she is so much fun to watch. Although we don't get out much the weather is starting to warm up so that will be changing soon. When we do go out she sleeps for the majority of the time. She is already in 3-6 month outfits. Her skin is so soft and has started to change, she no longer has baby acne, it is soft and smooth. Her eyes are so big and blue. She is just too much! She is truly a gift from God. We love you.

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