Wednesday, June 20, 2012

So Big! So Fast!

I can't believe how much she has changed in 3 months. I am learning more and more every day! If we could, we would have as many Charli's as we could! She is such an amazing little girl. She is starting to do things that 6 month olds do! She is trying to roll from her back to front. She bears so much weight on her legs when we hold her up it is almost like she can hold herself. She loves the walking motion and step together step touch. Uncle Eric is convinced she will walk before she crawls. She is so vocal and very good at expressing what she wants, she also loves to sing and dance. She tracks us throughout a room and is able to identify who we are. There is nothing like her smile in the morning when she lays in her bassinet and coos. Did I mention she sleeps for 10-12 hours a night!!!

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