Thursday, July 12, 2012


Charli is almost 4 months old, one month into summer. We have spent this summer going on walks and playing inside due to the heat. We occasionally sit outside and the wind blows through her hair which mesmerizes her. We tried the pool once and that lasted a few minutes not because she wasn't interested but the polaris squirted her! We will be trying it again soon, I can't imagine her not loving it since she loves her bath time! We went to babies r us for the first time with her awake and she was fascinated now that her vision continues to grow. We let her pick out her own taggies by giving her a few of them and seeing which one she grabbed with her eyes and her hands! Can you believe it, she picked a soccer ball and a puppy, go figure :) She is rolling over and trying to crawl which is more of a swimming motion. In the meantime she is trying to get her feet to her mouth. She continues to suck in her bottom lip and drool which only means teeth are in the future. Her feet are just huge and she has got the cutest little boobies and little rolls. All babies are just too cute and when she smiles it is so contagious. She talked the whole time on our walk today, she is terrific company! Her nap schedule is easier said than done but when Mommy can let her cry for a few minutes without running in to grab her she does fall asleep...and when she wakes up from her nap you never see a smile like that in life, it is incredible...BIG HUGS! BTW with those big feet, socks are definitely not her thing!
(On a side note almost all these pictures besides the ones she fell asleep in her rock n play were taken before 8am)

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