Friday, July 27, 2012


 Today is the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Summer OLYMPICS and in the spirit of Charli being born during an Olympic year I had to put the picture on the home site of google entitled,
 "Hooray for Sports,"
 I just love it!! GO TEAM USA!!

Today is also my parent's 37th wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary!!

And... last but not least today marks the first day Charli has taken a nap in her big girl crib!!!!
 It was pitch black in the room and my flash startled her, hence the surprise look.
Sorry Charli, I just had to capture the moment.

These pictures are my little angel just lounging around :) She's had a little froggy in her throat for a few days but her voice is sounding better. That's what happens when you talk as much as Mommy!

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