Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back to work...ugh

Well it happens to most families, the dreaded day after having a baby when they have to go back to work and leave their precious angel. I have to say I am very lucky to have had all this time at home with Charli, but I will also say it doesn't make it any easier to leave her.'s just hard. I was thinking, I am spending my time with other people's kids wishing I was with mine. It is the down time at work when I wish I could just go over on lunch and hold her, but I just think that she is sleeping for the majority of the time she is there... and I get 2 quality hours with her in the morning and since we are done at 3:30 the entire late afternoon and evening, so again we are very lucky for that. Charli has been great with the transition, Daddy dropped her off the first day and she was laughing and smiling when he left and doing the same when I picked her up. Beth is so wonderful with her and Charli has such an amazing environment with an aodrable golden retirever and 4 other kids, so she comes home happy and tired. We have really gotten a routine going after work of playing, stroller -walk, bath, dinner, and night night. I know every Monday morning I will just keep thinking its almost Friday! and hey although it is 91' today winter break is just around the corner.

Here are some pictures of her helping Daddy get ready for work and her first day at Beth's house.

1st morning of school on her way to Beth's house, happy as a clam

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