Thursday, August 2, 2012

Work Party

What a hot summer and in a few weeks it is coming to an end and it's about that time to start heading back to work. Charli is almost 5 months old, and it was the first time we left her with someone not in our family. Although she was sleeping, and it was only 3 miles away, we were able to hang out for Shannon's 40th and really enjoyed the night. Thanks Victoria!

 It is always a great time hanging with the girls in my office which makes going back to work not all that bad. Especially when all the kids on the girl's side are 8 and under, (which including Charli makes 10 kids between us) it makes it easier to know they have gone through it and are there to help and support me. Plus we have some really good laughs which is key!! I couldn't be happier having these girls to work with and for Charli to grow up with their families, we are a very lucky bunch!

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