Wednesday, September 12, 2012


On Sunday, September 9th, Charli was baptised at St. Margaret Mary Church in a calm, peaceful, serene ...erk...record scratch...that couldn't be farther from the truth. Charli was Christened in a mass of Catholic Chaos. First of all, it was the Church's annual picnic and Father Paul couldn't wait to attend. The parking lot was full as well as the streets. Our little angel was a little fuss wagon, the baby who never cries made up for it on Sunday! Not only was the ceremony directly in the middle of her nap, she was hungry and found a way to spit up twice all over Mommy. Her beautiful dress came with a bonnet which got close to becoming a weapon and causing strangulation due to the tie becoming knotted. The Priest started the ceremony without me or Eric (Godfather) and he scolded Eric during the mass for taking a picture of Charli with his phone. This could only happen to my family, but it has now extended to my new bigger family. It couldn't have been more of a sh*t show which made it absolutely perfect. Charli looked beautiful in her dress and we were surrounded by our closest family members who even flew in from Colorado and California. Charli has wonderful Godparents in Mindy and Eric and our little girl has now been welcomed formally into the family of God. She couldn't be more loved and yet everyday we find a way to love her more, she is our little miracle. Thanks Mom and Dad for the party is was a fantastic time celebrating Charli. I love you!

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