Friday, October 5, 2012


YES at 6 months old, we have our first word....drum roll please....."MA MA" ....which my Mom said will be the first of a million times I will hear "MA MA" and I will love every one of them!!! It is more like "mom mom mom mom mom mom mom, giggle giggle, mom mom mom mom." Charli is something else... She is so full of life and so happy. She is a great eater whether it be nursing or the bottle. She has eaten everything we have given her: rice cereal, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, sweet peas, carrots, prunes. She can sit up, roll over, and even stand on her own with our assistance. She grabs at all her toys, throws things, swings her arms around, bounces up and down and up and down. We are not even sure if she has a hand dominance because she uses them both for everything. She is such a great communicator and speaks her own language which is a lot of loud screams, barks, yells, and squeaks especially with Sassy and Grampy. She is very aware of who she knows and who she doesn't. She lights up when a familiar face walks in and even far as strangers she doesn't even blink while staring them down and assessing the situation, what a smart girl. She loves songs, especially "the itsy bitsy spider." She has really taken a liking to Mickey Mouse or maybe because she likes his voice so much (the one mommy pretends he has). "Patty cake Patty cake" is a favorite with Grandma, while waving is a fav with Uncle Eric. Let's not forget that her and Grampy have their own bond, they are like two peas in a pod! Even bath time continues to be a blast and boy does she love to kick and splash water in her own face! Let's just say that every day it just gets better and better, she is quite the entertainer.

On the flip side, she is extremely spoiled and has started to sleep in mommy and daddy's arms rather than her bed. What a hard habit to break seeing as though this is the one of the reasons people are in love with babies. For now we will do what we need to do and I think we all know that mommy is very happy.

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