Thursday, October 25, 2012


This afternoon there was a pre-Halloween trick or treat for the teachers and their families, followed by an invitation for the community to come join in the fun and treats at the high school. What a great event! The teachers and students who put this together do an amazing job. The school is decorated so well and there is so much to do and so much candy given away, they even give away beta fish, so much fun! The costumes were adorable and Charli got to see all her "old" friends. Brayden was Nemo, Molly a bear, Maive and Max were skeletons, Ryan E. and family Scooby doo charaters, Zoe was cookie monster, Joey a dragon and Anthony a fireman...the costumes were too cute for words! I even found Waldo! Here are some pictures of Charli's first Halloween festival.

The happiest "ducks" around!

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