Friday, December 14, 2012

9 months old

Charli is 9 months old today, I can't really believe it. She is her own person and a very smart, sweet, happy, interesting, charismatic, adorable one to say the least. She has definitely made life more amazing then I ever imagined. I was talking to my Aunt Soph about how we may have a small family, but what we have is perfect. Charli has amazing new cousins in Hunter and David and I am so excited for what her future holds. She gives a new meaning when I think of hope and endless possibilities. She has made us all believe in miracles, the power of prayer, and strength. She is a sponge when it comes to learning, her fine motor skills are outstanding, her personality is contagious; she couldn't be more of a blessing. She loves Grandma so much they have their own language and I can't believe how she is so comfortable just hanging out on Grampy's lap, she won't do that with anyone else. She loves Daddy's beard and lights up whenever she sees or hears him. She giggles at the dogs and has no fear of their size nor their barking. She and Eric are buddies and he still calls her "Chuck" on occasion. She is the world to me.

Today she had spaghetti for the very first time and true to her appetite she loved every bite. Her sleeping schedule has continued through the night and she actually now falls asleep at 7:40pm like clockwork and is up at 7am unless we have to wake her. I tend to hold her as long as I can after she falls asleep or until Dan tells me I need to put her in her crib. (I would hold her forever if I could) She is on the verge of walking, she gets herself up to a standing position and can stay there for a while. She loves to wave and gets really excited in her room with all her animals, books, and the fun Winnie the pooh stickers on the wall. She has so many toys but it never fails for her to want our dirty gym shoes, phones, and of course remote controls. She crawls around every where the little curious monkey. Oh boy and she is ever vocal, you'd think we acutally were having an in-depth conversation.
She is just AWESOME!

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