Monday, January 14, 2013

10 months old

Charli is 10 months old today and we had our 10 month Doctor's appointment with Dr. Mike. Charli is 19lbs. 8oz, which is 50% percentile, 28" tall, 30% percentile and 20% for head circumference; she is following the curve "perfectly." She received a shot today and a clean bill of health. She also got the a-okay to eat whatever she wants from pancakes, to PB&J, to salami, to spaghetti and meatballs, we are talking REAL food--that is with the exception of seafood and honey until she is older...Sorry CRC you'll have to wait on the lobster tail!

At 10 months old Charli can stand on her own and walks around with the assistance of her toys, the couch, and anything else she can hang on to. She is a picture perfect crawler and is quick as can be. As we know she loves to stick out her tongue and she is definitely trying to configure words. She is full of expressions and sounds and has the best sense of humor. She also likes to stay up until around 8:45 and sleeps until we wake her up in the morning @ 7:15. She recognizes people she knows and assesses strangers and is able to communicate her likes and dislikes. She is very good with word association and has very precise fine motor skills. As for teeth, she won't be biting into any carrots yet. As for hair, she had her second hair cut over the weekend it grows like a weed, not a bad problem to have for a little girl :) Every day she gets more amazing! With that said our next chapter begins!

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