Saturday, April 20, 2013

12 months and all its glory!

Charli woke up on her first birthday March 14, 2013 (PI DAY) with a full diaper and a smile on her face.Although she has been under the weather she always seem to bounce right back! We greeted her by singing "Happy Birthday" in her crib where she giggled and hid in the corner under Winnie the Pooh. She then jumped up to hear more singing. She picked out her birthday outfit after her bath and had her very first bottle of milk. She then left with Daddy for Beth's house, goodie bags in tow, to bring for the kids.They continued to celebrate Charli all day! Sassy, Grampy, and Uncle Eric came over afterschool and we all sang "Happy Birthday" and opened presents and let the celebration continue until this one year old's peepers closed. A year ago today was the most amazing day of my life and I experienced feelings I have never felt before, because of you I get to feel this way everyday, you will never know just much I love and adore you but I will make sure you feel it everyday of your life. My lil toucamonka!

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