Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Daddy's Girl

Let me give a little update on Charli. There is no doubting that she is a Daddy's girl. She is tough as nails. I believe we are on to our second black eye! Charli enjoys getting in to everything. Sassy bought her a chaise lounge chair and she loves it, for that matter she loves all chairs. The rocking chair from Aunt Mimi is still her favorite, but now she is testing the limit by standing in the chair and laughing at us. She climbs up on the couch and goes on to the platform and jumps from one side to the other; more like the show Wipeout. She is completely fearless and exceptionally strong. At times you will see her carrying her toys on wheels rather than pulling them. She loves to laugh and entertain. She has a baby "Dolly" who she loves to hold and give hugs and now a big girl doll "Cami" who looks just like her and boy did Charli's eyes light up when she saw her!

In our family room we have a gate to block the doorway so that she can't get out and the dogs can't get in. Charli throws shoes, blocks, balls, whatever she decides that day over the gate. Daddy loved when she took all the shoes in the room and threw them over the gate right after we talked about no shoes in the house!!

She is a terrific eater although she still has no teeth! Yes, NO TEETH.

13-14 months

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