Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Oh Grampy

Charli loves Grampy. She thinks he is soooo funny. Whenever Sassy and Grampy leave, Charli gives Grampy extra hugs and kisses. She also grabs her coat and thinks she is going to go with them. I think it is because they let her use their iphones and they play music. Charli knows exactly what buttons to push on all the latest technology and tries to talk to Siri. Grampy says her theme song is "Bad girls" by Donna Summer.  He also calls her the "disaster," and tells her to "go on with her bad self" when she does her Mick Jagger lips and flips her hands back when she walks; (She can flip a room in a matter of seconds as well.) 

Charli is so smart. She loves the dogs and calls them "dauh." They on the other hand are still getting used to Charli.  As far as her diet she eats just about everything and really loves spaetzle, pickles, and cheese. She loves drinking out of our glasses and we give her all kinds of cups to use and her bottle when she goes to sleep. She really enjoys cold water. Oh and at almost 15 months, still no teeth!!! But she sure is growing!

She speaks her own language and is extremely vocal and loves to stick out her tongue. We still don't have a set bed time but we know when she is getting tired. She is going through the 14 month old hitting phase which she thinks is so funny and it is so not.  We are working to get through that because she has a nasty right and left hook. Other than those times she really is an angel and so funny. She has a smile that lights up the room and is such a funny fake crier. She knows how to open just about everything and exactly what button to push. She loves shoes and can stand on one foot while putting them on. She also is trying to jump off the ground and can almost do a somersault on her own, which we have never shown her. She is so strong. When it comes to stairs she knows how to go up and down almost to where we don't have to worry, scary!

 She has become bashful around strangers which is too funny to watch. When Uncle John came in for a quick visit  and she stood in the hallway with her finger on the wall looking downward at an angle waiting to see what she should do until she gave him a big hug and starting laughing when he gave her sunglasses and she put them on.  She is such a little character.

She loves hide and seek no matter where she is, I think she just loves "where is Charli."  She also loves it because we will chase her and she can run away and she is fast! When she plays with all her toys it is so funny because she will either dance, hit every button over and over, or just laugh at everything. She puts on her different beaded necklaces and goes to town, once in a while to check in and show us, little miss independent.

Oh and lets not forget that she tidies things up. She cleans up spills, shows you when her hands are dirty, and puts her toys away at Sassy's when she is done. When they say your child will imitate you we know she is following her daddy!

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