Sunday, July 14, 2013


Charli is a HUGE Blackhawks fan. She learned so many things watching the Hawks win the Stanley Cup. She claps every time anyone says Blackhawks, she gives high fives whenever they score, and she gives cheers with her cup or bottle at the end of each victory. It's so great when your children imitate your behaviors :)

Charli wore her Blackhawks outfits throughout the play-offs. Here is Charli the day after "the greatest 17 seconds in all of sports" with the Hawks bringing the cup back to Chicago. Charli celebrated by attending her first Tot Rock class where there is a different theme each week, different songs to sing, and different stations of activities and objects to try. There is even a puppet dog named Rocket, it is quite the half hour of fun! Charli is still trying to get the hang of sharing and cleaning up. She likes to hoard things and hide them, but each week we are getting better. The first class she ended up with a classmate's doll and Ernie-- both she had a hard time parting with. Charli wears a name tag at class which is a piece of tape with her name , we now have to put hers on her back after the first class this is definitely something that she will not wear willingly, seeing as though she can just rip it off.

 Charli has figured out almost all child proof safety mechanisms, especially outlets plugs ( not one companies can outlast or fool Charli) we have to use the plugs plus duct tape which she has also been able to take off. We now block things with furniture and then have to continue to move the furniture because she can climb on everything and then likes to test her balance while standing at the highest point. Even the safety gates---have you ever seen a 15 month old scale a baby gate???!!!We continue to relocate and redecorate every few minutes or so!!! She's awesome!


I know Baby, but it's not your Ernie!

I was very busy today.

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