Saturday, November 2, 2013

18.5 month Doctor Appointment

It's safe to say Charli does not like the Doctor anymore. She loves the reception ladies but she knows what happens we when go in the room and when the Doctor walks in. The worst part is not even the shots, it is going on the scale and getting her ears and mouth checked out. She works herself up to hysterics and it takes all 3 of us to hold her down so when it comes to the shots she doesn't even know! It's okay honey we don't have to get back for 6 months!!! Charli is up to 25 lbs. We also got the news that Charli will be around 5'2" and the Doctor giggled there are a lot of academic scholarships...good thing Daddy was An-All American and she has those genes! Whatever you chose I know you will be GREAT!
Here are pictures before the Doctor walked in and Charli made the exam table her playground!

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