Thursday, September 1, 2011

End of the First!!!

Hip Hip Hooray!!!! I am almost completely through the first trimester of pregnancy. The nausea has subsided and although I am ready for bed by 6:00 every night, I am feeling good! What a difference a few weeks make. I haven't really had pregnancy cravings I hear some much about. That might be because I eat everything and anything. Us Ilich's don't have the most typical of diets, let's just say one night we might be having saganaki and gyros with heapings of taramasalata and the next morning Mom is making Swedish pancakes followed by BLT's. It's too funny but I think Dan might be having the cravings or just a new experience of foods. He has really started to open his horizons and try new things. He had baklava for the very first time this week and loved it. We are going to Long Grove for the International fest this weekend so he may be in luck for some more. I on the other hand have taken an interest in baking so if that is a pregnancy trait, keep them coming. Maybe I will become a carpenter in the 2nd trimester and create my own nursery furniture, one can only hope.

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