Friday, March 2, 2012

37.5 weeks

I had my 37 week appointment on Thursday. I have gained 27 pregnancy pounds. I am also having contractions every 2 minutes, not strong contractions but contractions. I was hooked up to a heartbeat and contractions machine for over an hour and a half. The Doctor almost sent me to labor and delivery because she thought there was a variance which meant I was ready to deliver. I think it was just the part during the test that Dan had me hysterically laughing at a song he was making up the words to and singing. He is going to be the best Dad. I asked him tonight what kind of a guy he wants her to marry and he said, "A really nice guy, who understands family time."  He is just too sweet, I hope she finds a man just like him!

Tonight we put together the pack and play from Aunt Mindy and are continuing to still organize all of the wonderful gifts we received. Tomorrow we are going to get some more things we need and continue to prepare for our little bundle of joy. I think it is just surreal to me at this point. My belly is big, my ankles are swollen, my varicose veins are just fabulous and she continues to dance, dance, dance, kick, kick, kick. I go from a hard as a rock belly to her moving, it is a non-stop show. I also make frequent trips to the bathroom and find sleeping a chore...and honestly it is really not that bad. I hope I will continue to say that.

The time has really flown by and now anxiously we wait. I have dates in mind but we will see what she decides to do. The car seat is all ready in the car. Veronica gave me a list of must haves for the hospital for both Dan and I, so I need to add some more to my hospital bag and then that is ready to go.

I am just patiently waiting for the first day of the rest of my life. What a journey...

Oh and that old wives tale about being pregnant with a girl takes away all your beauty, well I couldn't agree more~!

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