Thursday, March 1, 2012


This being Leap year has added another day to my inability to sleep. Not because I am not exhausted, I just can't sleep. I guess I have now joined that club, not really one I was looking for. It is the first of March and my little girl could be here any day and I am sooooo excited. Yesterday I read her a few books I received from the shower and a few made me cry. I loved all the personalized messages inside the books and can't believe not a single book from the shower was the same. I also spent some time continuing to organize her room. I can't believe how many gifts can come from 40 women, well actually yes I can :) The outfits are too adorable for words, just wait until she is in them. I am going to have 1000's of pictures before she is a week old! I guess I don't really know what I am in for yet but I am so ready. I can't imagine how much my life is going to change and how much I am going to change. This experience is nothing less than the greatest and most amazing circumstance I have ever gotten myself in to! I feel I found the love of my life who is giving me another love of my life, it is really happening and it doesn't get any better than this. Dan and I met almost 4 years ago and in that short time we have created this amazing life together full of love, friendship, and happiness. I have such a real sense of friendship and family and I thank God every day!

This is the quote on the baby's wall...

 Laissez les bons temps rouler---Let the good times Roll!

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