Friday, May 25, 2012

Life is Beautiful

May 2012 has brought us some beautiful weather filled with sunshine. Charli has enjoyed this weather going on walks, sitting on Grandma's lap under a tree, strolling through Long Grove...and in this case having the wind blow through her hair with grampy. I don't know if there are too many 2 month olds that have enough hair to blow in the wind, but she does. She is just so amazing and full of life I can't get over just how amazing she is. She communicates so well and is such a terrific baby, we are so lucky. For the last 2 night she has slept from 10pm-7am. I cannot believe it! She just keeps growing and growing. We were with a 7lb. 4oz baby on Thursday, Molly, and its hard to believe that was Charli not too long ago! Each day is such a blessing full of firsts. I can't help but smile when I wake up, smile when I go to bed, and smile all day long. Thanks Charli, I love you.

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