Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Dan and I don't have the typical baby system of taking turns in the middle of the night. We do everything together and I am so thankful. There is something about the moral support of having him wake up and change her if I need to pump or sit with each other while she is eating at 2am. I always have something on the DVR so we don't dooze off while holding her. Either way Charli, just know that Mommy and Daddy don't get a lot of sleep and we love you so much that we are both with you whenever you wake up in the middle of the night. One thing...Daddy makes it a party so no wonder you have decided to go back to sleeping all day and partying all night. Mommy will be changing that system real fast!

Speaking of teamwork, you saw your very first soccer game yesterday and guess what??? You slept through the whole thing!!!
Charli in her favorite place, her changer!!! LOL

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