Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back to work

It is official I am back to work for a few days before summer break. It was a very easy transition seeing as though my Mom was here to watch Charli and I am able to come home every 2 hours, so there were no tears. I'd like to say these 9 weeks flew by which they did, but it really doesn't feel like she was born yesterday. I think that is because every moment becomes so special and in a day there are so many moments that days become longer. I also live more each day, every day is so special, and watching her grow is a miracle and surreal.

 If you can believe it she only got up once at 2:30am for the first time... the night before I went back to work, like she knew to let mommy sleep a little longer. She is such a wonderful baby.

My Mom had such a great day with her. Every time I came home she was wearing something else or they were laughing, or they had just had some kind of adventure. Dan filled me in that when he went home she asked him to help her rinse Charli's bum in the sink (my mom would do this after every diaper change if she could). She also put the diaper on the wrong way...I had to laugh out loud. I guess diaper changing is not like riding a bicycle...she did use cloth diapers with me so I guess she has an excuse. Just a reminder they put pictures on the front of diapers so you always know which way they go :)

Charli had the best time. When my day was finally over and I came home, I arrived to a beautiful sleeping baby. Thanks Sassy, we are so lucky to have you!! We love you! See you next week!

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