Friday, June 1, 2012

In on a Saturday night, perfect

I have introduced Charli to the creatures of the sea on her black and white flash cards. It is amazing to watch her focus on them. We also sing a lot of songs. Her favs thus far are the ABC's and 10 Little Indians, both to which she sings along. She really likes the LMNOP part ;) It is so funny to watch her mouth move as she is already trying to make the shapes and talk. She is a very vocal little girl, just like her mommy!We spend a lot of our time having conversations about things where she just laughs and laughs. She enjoys swinging in her swing and sitting in her boppy. Her naps throughout the day are about 2 hours long and she sleeps through the night going to bed around 9:45 and waking up at 6am. She is more amazing every day! These pictures were the 2 of us learning, talking, and then dozing off, it was another perfect day.

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