Monday, November 5, 2012

Need a laugh...

With Charli sick since Friday, her fever finally broke Sunday night and today I stayed home with her so she could continue to rest and recover. It was really tough on Dan and I to have her sick. She lost her appetite and it was almost impossible to get her to take medicine or even water for that matter. I think we heard her cry more on Sunday then the last 7 months combined. Poor baby! Oh my gosh, and trying to give her a bath you would have thought we were torturing her, note to self don't do that next time!! Her cold has become clear and she really likes her "boogie wipes," what a great invention. Dan rubbed her arms with tissues first, explaining they were soft, and then she then let us wipe her nose. Her droopy eyes now have their spark back, as well as her constant chirping and smiles. It was like being with a completely different person, I am so thankful she is feeling better. She was such a little cuddle bug and laid on us all weekend and slept which I loved, but I can only pray she will not get sick any time again soon or ever.

So with that said I need a laugh and a smile, these did the trick!

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