Saturday, November 3, 2012


A few weeks back Dan and I both got the worst flu of our lives, and it knocked us out for close to 5 days until finally feeling better. Charli however didn't miss a beat and thankfully did not get sick. We stayed at my moms and were able to recover while she helped to entertain the little monkatia.

 Early Thursday morning Charli started with some sniffles, a little cough, and clear boogies, which quickly turned into green boogies and a fever. This made for crazy first time parents with our first "medical emergency". I was ready to go to the hospital at the first sign of a fever but with the help of my girlfriend Amy and Dr. Mike, Charli is hopefully on her way to a quick recovery. You feel almost helpless when your baby doesn't feel well... she has been sleeping for the most part and although she hates the pedia-care we are able to get it down and her fever has decreased.

She is still eating and gives us a sweet smile but our little baby girl just wants to sleep. Feel better baby, we love you! What's gonna happen when you start to get your teeth?!

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