Sunday, August 7, 2011

1st Doctor's Appointment

On July 31 we went to our first Doctor's appointment at 10:00am in Schaumburg. It would be my first time in a brand new network of Doctors. Dan and I only knew what to expect from what the books we were reading were telling us. I am not really sure Dan knew what to expect at all, even with the knowledge I had given him. This became apparent in the room when he asked "are those stirrups?" I had to laugh. The first thing we did after paperwork was the ultrasound, the best part. I was so convinced there were twins from the cramping I was having, but there was only one, our very first baby. The baby's heartbeat was 122 and Dan got emotional. It was really amazing but I think I am still a little in disbelief. I got an exam, gave blood, got a TB test, and the Doctor gave us information on what I should be doing and not doing. I guess hitting up the clubs and raves in New York is out of the question, LOL! When leaving the office besides our first baby picture,we even got some free stuff, which is always a plus, and got set up for our next appointment August 25. Time is ticking...
That same day Dan decided he wanted to tell his Mom who was on a family vacation so we knew she wouldn't have gotten the frame when we told my parents. He also didn't want to share with everyone on the trip but we had to tell her. When he called he told her I hadn't been feeling well so we went to the Doctor. He said the Doctor diagnosed me with an Appleseed in my belly, that is when she asked, "Dan is there something you want to tell me?" This Gramsy was too sharp for his little joke. It's funny Mindy had texted just a few weeks before asking, "Is there a bun in the oven, LOL" I couldn't lie to her so I just didn't respond. YES Auntie Min there is a bun cooking in the oven! We told John and Mindy right after Gramsy and there reaction was so awesome. I couldn't be happier that this baby is going to be so loved and have an amazing extended family. Cheers!

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