Sunday, August 7, 2011

Anniversary Rosebud

On July 27 it was my parent's official wedding anniversary of 36 years. We decided to have dinner at Rosebud Naperville. I called George to set up reservations for the 6 of us. We met at 7:00 that Wednesday. Dan and I decided that would be the day we gave them the frames and told them about their very first Grandchild. We had kept the secret for nearly 2 weeks and we couldn't hold it in any longer. I had made little due date cards and put them in the frames that we originally wanted to put the ultrasound in, but our Doctor's appointment wasn't until Saturday. ( by the way that hasn't stopped us from buying baby clothes wherever we go, we are pretty convinced the baby is a boy) When we arrived they were seated at the bar, may dad asked if I wanted a Miller lite, to which I asked do we want to get seated? I wanted to give them their gifts before Eric arrived because I had something to give him as well. We went to the table but it seemed like forever until my Dad was able to close out from Chris at the bar. When he arrived at the table I asked them if they could open their anniversary gifts before Eric and his girlfriend arrived. My mom opened the card that I wrote "We hope we help make this the best anniversary yet." If you don't recall Dan asked both my parents at their anniversary dinner 2 years ago for their permission to marry me. Eric told them where they were at dinner and he surprised them. They didn't really understand what was going on and my Dad kept asking where Eric and I were, but that is a different story. So once again we were making their anniversary memorable, very memorable. I gave my Mom the frame that read "Now showing" and my Dad the one about "Grandkids make the world a better place." My Mom just kind of the stared at it like she didn't get it, my Dad however he caught on. It was then that my Mom started to cry and so did Dad and then so did I and I am sure Dan was caught up in the emotion too, but I didn't turn my head away from my Mom to look. She said she was trying to do the math in months to figure out if this could be true. Then her logic brain became emotional brain and it was such an exciting memory, one of the best I could ever imagine. It was also the first time I kept a secret, I am already practicing to become Mrs. Claus and the tooth fairy! I loved my Dad's reaction, is was priceless. It once again exemplified when my mom said she married my Dad because he would be a great father that was the proof in the pudding. As our excitement was being shared Eric walked in and I kept it going by giving him a present too. He observed the gift in the wrapping paper coming to the conclusion it was a frame with a picture of River and Reilly Boots for his new place. Little to his surprise it was a frame with Godchild on it. This obviously kept the excitement going and lit up his face as it lit up all of ours. In making the reservations with George not only did we have a phenomenal table but he bought us all of our drinks ( which for me meant water on the rocks) and sent out a dessert tray filled with Italian ice, tiramasu, ice cream cake and other phenomenal treats. It was such a kind gesture and made our amazing night even sweeter.

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