Sunday, August 7, 2011


The day after I took the pregnancy test and found out we were having a baby we were going to try out for Who Wants to be a Millionaire at Arlington Race Track. Dan and I both won front of the line passes on WGN to by pass any lines of people trying to audition on an on-line contest he saw while watching the 5:00 news. Dan went to the morning session and was going to be the guinea pig of what exactly goes on. He did not pass the test so came home a couple hours later. My mom and I went to the afternoon session actually around 3. We went to the front of the line and proceeded into the million room. At that point we received a scantron, pencil, and an envelope and were seated like sardines in a packed room. Instructions were then given by a girl who might as well been auditioning her stand up routine. Oh and the questions asked by some people, did they really expect if they didn't understand how to fill out a scantron they would be able to answer these questions....really? With that said the test was 30 questions in which we had 10 minutes to answer. We open our enveloped which each gave us our own ID number, in that case equivalent to our name and we took the test. When they said stop we were to pass in the scantrons and put our test back into the envelope and listen for our number from the envelope. If your number was called you had passed their criteria for the test which is unknown. I listened carefully for my Mom and my number, my number was 149, my mom 58.....THEY CALLED MY NUMBER! I was so excited I jumped up and went over to the window where they told us to stand still listening for Sue's number. It wasn't called and I couldn't see my mom filtering out to give her a smile. But I also couldn't believe she didn't pass since the real person I wanted on the show was her.
Those of us who passed then filled out questionnaires that asked about personal experiences. First question involved martial status and kids, of course I had to write coming soon because my mom was no longer around and I didn't know anyone else. We waited for our names to be called when I heard Sue Ilich....I responded that is my Mom but you didn't call her number, she is actually seated right down there watching the races. I had spotted my Mom, Dad, and Dan from the million room which is an all glass wall looking at the track. I called her and in disbelief she came back up. (We all had to wave to her to make her believe me.) I was then called and interviewed with the first girl. I had to make sure she didn't blow the baby cover to my Mom and that was exciting I actually got to tell someone and felt some relief.
 I noticed that a lot of the time after the people spoke to the preliminary casters they were told they would receive a postcard in a few weeks if they had made the contestant pool and left. I was asked to sit down back in the room after I was questioned by the first girl. It was then the same guy who asked me when we first arrived how I got the front of the line passes was now interviewing my outside on a flip cam and was a producer on the show. He then asked me to go into another room where I was actually on camera, miked up, and they put powder on my to eliminate the oil and Hollywood me as I like to say. I was not expecting all of this and boy did I want a drink after, but don't forget the baby and I had a secret! After this amazing experience I too was told I would receive a postcard in a few weeks. A week later I did and it read, CONGRATULATIONS you have been selected as a member of our contestant pool. All I have to do know is wait for a phone call and I am on the show. I also have to wait 7 more months for this little baby, I have a lot of waiting to do.
Who Wants to be a Millionaire? This girl!!!! Who wants to be a Mom? I CAN'T WAIT!!

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