Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2 month Dr. Appointment

On the 14th we had Charli's 2 month Dr. appointment where she received 4 shots. She was so brave, but let me tell you there was a scream you never want to hear again! She also cried her first real tears but then within moments she was all better with one red band-aid on one leg and a blue on the other. She is such an awesome little baby. She showed off for a little while while lifting her head up and looking around while on her stomach, the Doctor commented on how strong she is. I guess tummy time is paying off. He said she is following the growth chart perfectly, music to any parent's ears. We will see him again at our 4 month appointment. Great job Charli, weighing in at 11.4!!!!

Look at that tongue!
Can you believe her blue eyes, just beautiful!

With Daddy

with Dr. Mike

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