Monday, July 30, 2012


Charli has met new friends and been on a few play dates, which are also dates for Mom and Dad. Charli has met 14 month old twin boys Keegan and Grayson, 2 year old Oliver, 3 year old Josie, 2 year old Gavin, 3 month old Molly, and 16 month old Zoe. Becoming a Mom not only rekindles old friendships it begins new ones.

We had dinner the other night with Angela and Jason and their almost 4 month old son Jacob (their 5th child) who was born 2 weeks after Charli. Although Charli did not want to fall asleep she finally gave her little eyes a rest and Mommy and Daddy got to enjoy some adult time. Jacob on the other hand found no problem with letting the adults enjoy:)

We celebrated a birthday on Saturday for Paul and met 5 week old Anthony, as well as all the boys my friend's have. It is crazy that Charli is the only girl of all my guy friends and their wives, I guess history repeats itself.

Friday, July 27, 2012


 Today is the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Summer OLYMPICS and in the spirit of Charli being born during an Olympic year I had to put the picture on the home site of google entitled,
 "Hooray for Sports,"
 I just love it!! GO TEAM USA!!

Today is also my parent's 37th wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary!!

And... last but not least today marks the first day Charli has taken a nap in her big girl crib!!!!
 It was pitch black in the room and my flash startled her, hence the surprise look.
Sorry Charli, I just had to capture the moment.

These pictures are my little angel just lounging around :) She's had a little froggy in her throat for a few days but her voice is sounding better. That's what happens when you talk as much as Mommy!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Hey Teddy and Ele wake up!

Today is a really special day, right?

Is it really???

YEAH!!! It's Grampy's birthday, do we get to sing?!

Hey Grampy!!!! Let's PARTY dude!!!
!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

4 months old!!!!

Charli is 4 months old and what an eventful day it was! Charli had a 9am Doctor appointment and she had 4 shots and a liquid to take. It was not a very good day to start out, she was almost inconsolable this time from the shots and being over tired!!! By the time she woke up from her morning nap we were back on the happy trail. Prior to that she had the hysteric hiccups where it made her entire face jerk, oh I felt sooooo bad, but like Dr. Mike said you get the shots because we want you to be healthy and we love you! Only one more month of more than one shot (6months) phew! Well our little darling grew 2 inches, gained 2 lbs., and her head grew 2cm too!!!! She is now 14.2 lbs, 24.5 in tall which puts her in the 70th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height. Yeah Charli!!!! She had an afternoon bath and then some play time before a 7:30 pm bedtime. Here is our 4 month old on her big day!!!!!

MOM!, Don't you know the flash wakes me up! Me and Daddy are napping!

Alright, water temp is good!

Oh yeah! I love it!!! Let's have a pool party!

Come on! You told me that joke before!

I am going to get that ball!

My toes are AWESOME!

This is the life!

What a day, I'm ready to be 4 months and a day tomorrow, good night.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


When I found out I was having a girl, I was NOT interested in PINK and PRINCESS. I was so adamant about that, and I know my Mom was just laughing to herself.  Now that I have Charli, I LOVE pink and Princess.
Little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice and they are small and sweet and make life completely complete!

                                                                      OFF TO SHOP!!


Charli is almost 4 months old, one month into summer. We have spent this summer going on walks and playing inside due to the heat. We occasionally sit outside and the wind blows through her hair which mesmerizes her. We tried the pool once and that lasted a few minutes not because she wasn't interested but the polaris squirted her! We will be trying it again soon, I can't imagine her not loving it since she loves her bath time! We went to babies r us for the first time with her awake and she was fascinated now that her vision continues to grow. We let her pick out her own taggies by giving her a few of them and seeing which one she grabbed with her eyes and her hands! Can you believe it, she picked a soccer ball and a puppy, go figure :) She is rolling over and trying to crawl which is more of a swimming motion. In the meantime she is trying to get her feet to her mouth. She continues to suck in her bottom lip and drool which only means teeth are in the future. Her feet are just huge and she has got the cutest little boobies and little rolls. All babies are just too cute and when she smiles it is so contagious. She talked the whole time on our walk today, she is terrific company! Her nap schedule is easier said than done but when Mommy can let her cry for a few minutes without running in to grab her she does fall asleep...and when she wakes up from her nap you never see a smile like that in life, it is incredible...BIG HUGS! BTW with those big feet, socks are definitely not her thing!
(On a side note almost all these pictures besides the ones she fell asleep in her rock n play were taken before 8am)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My first 4th of July

What a difference a year makes! Dan and I celebrated our 2nd year anniversary last week and it was one year ago I became pregnant with Charli, although we wouldn't find out until the 15th. Being a Mom is the greatest experience in the whole world period. Charli is just awesome. She changes every moment of every day! This little personality she has is so amazing we just laugh along with her. She talks all the time, she is grabbing her feet, and she is in love with a "taggies" blanket we call taggles. (What a great blanket, highly recommend getting a taggies) We have been working on crawling and rolling over, seriously kids grow this fast! She just giggles and giggles and moves her body in all different crazy directions, and as predictable as she may be at times she is completely unpredictable. She loves to kick, kick, kick, and run, run, run. She still loves her baths and getting her diaper changed. I can't wait for the weather to cool off so we can get her in the pool. Honestly I can't wait for her to have siblings too ;)

The weather has been record breaking heat (100+) so we try to get a walk in, early in the morning. Today was the 4th of July and we went grocery shopping instead of our walk. (Never did I know the simplest things could be so fun, staying home has never been this fun!) This evening we went to see the fireworks at Arlington Racetrack and quite possibly they were the best fireworks I have ever seen. Dan taped the finale on his phone!

Here are some pictures of Charli's first 4th of July.